Monday, March 5, 2018

32+ Benefits of Green Apple For Health (#Testers)

The benefits of green apples are actually very powerful for those of you who are dieting, want to nourish the eyes and nourish the body. Apple fruit becomes one of the fruit that is easily found and liked by many people. Apple is not a seasonal fruit that only grows in some time. There are many types of apples one of which is a green apple fruit or commonly called 'Apple Malang'. This title comes because of the green apple fruit growing in the city of Malang. The difference between Red and Green Apple is to taste, color and shape. Green App
le has a more sour taste, the skin is green, and the shape is more rounded.

Content of Green Apples Nutrition

Just like any other fruit, Green Apple has nutrients in which there are many benefits. Both for health and other benefits. Green Apple contains Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K. Fruits that are often cooked into these chips also contain Panthotenic Acid and Folate. Here are the facts and benefits of Green Apple in for health:

The Benefits of Green Apple
green applesThe benefits of green apples are very powerful for a variety of health problems, such as healthy eyes, diet, energy sources, and prevent various harmful diseases with antioxidant content.

1. Green Apple Can Be Healthy Eyes
Vitamin A content in Green Apple has a sufficient amount or no less and also no more. Vitamin A content makes the eyes become healthier. Vitamin A itself should not be too much because it can make cells - cells in our bones split. And this will bear the work of Vitamin D that we consume.

2. Green Apple Gives enough energy
Solid activity certainly makes us must always prepare the maximum energy every day. Green Apple also provides enough energy for us to move. The content of Vitamin B1 in Green Apple helps to change the intake of carbohydrates we consume into energy.

3. Green Apple As an antioxidant and ward off free radicals
Benefits of Green Apple not only that, this fruit also provides antioxidants and counteract the growth of free radicals on our body. This is because of the Folate and Vitamin B2. So that dangerous diseases also go away. These dangerous diseases are cancer, heart attack, and tumor.

4. Green Apples Rich in water intake
Green Apple has a lot of water intake coupled with Vitamin B6 that flows in the mineral in this apple. The presence of mineral intake in the body makes these minerals strong to filter cholesterol. As we know, bad cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of Stroke.

5. Green Apple Can Improve body tissue
Vitamin C in Green Apple is useful for repairing damaged tissues. One is the part of skin cells where it can easily become damaged by the pattern of life as well as the circumstances. Coupled with vitamin E content, eating will beautify our skin. This can be an addition to women who are confused about how to take care of the skin to keep it soft all the time.

6. Green Apple to prevent bleeding
Another benefit of Green Apple is to avoid bleeding in our body. Bleeding is a serious problem when it happens in our body. Vitamin K in Green Apple is what will help avoid the bleeding. Not a bit of bleeding in the body that causes serious illness and eliminate life.

7. Green Apple Smooth digestion
Green Apple became one of the fruits that contain high fiber. This affects the digestive process in the body is good and smooth. Or it can be said to be a cure for those experiencing constipation. Eat regularly.

8. Green Apple Makes healthy hair
With adequate intake of minerals and also the content of Vitamin C and E, then consume green apple fruit can also provide benefits on hair health where raambut will be soft and protected from dandruff.

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9. Green Apple Effectively Teething healthy

Munching green apples will make teeth stronger and healthier. This is because the teeth become trained and with the support of the Vitamin K in which to Vitamins that strengthen teeth.

10. Green Apple Avoid Alzheimer's disease
Alzhaimer's disease becomes a creepy disease because its long-term effects are poor and can even make a person lose his life due to dementia. Green Apple can avoid this disease because of its many nutrients.

11. Green Apples Prevent Parkinson's
Because it is rich in antioxidants, consuming green apples also provide benefits that we avoid from a disease called Parkinson's.

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12. Green Apples Powerful Prevent Diabetes
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32+ Benefits of Green Apple For Health (#Testers)
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