Tuesday, March 6, 2018

10 Benefits of Anna's Apples for Health and Pregnant Mom

10 Benefits of Anna's Apples for Health and Pregnant Mom

Apples are a type of fruit that has many benefits. Not only for the diet program, apples are also very berpengaruth against pregnant women and the fetus. Benefits Apple has been widely circulated in the Indonesian market and to get it was very easy both the original apple fruit of the archipelago and imported from other countries.

The famous region as the source of App
le fruit in Indonesia is Batu City, Malang and one of his favorite apples is Apple Anna which is the shape and color similar to the imported apple. When ripe, red apple skin color evenly. Uniquely, when the freshly picked flavor of the apple is a little sour, but when left 3-4 days after picking the fruit taste will feel sweeter.

Mother, you know that consuming Anna's apple when pregnant has the benefit that rarely others know both for the mother alone and for the fetus.

The benefits are:

1. Being Natural Protein Sources

Protein is an amino acid substance that works for the development and regulator for the body. When pregnant, protein is necessary. Given apples are rich in protein it is advisable for pregnant women to consume them.

2. Reduce Premature Possibility

Lots of pregnant women who have premature babies born. In general, the cause of the baby is born with premature is when the mother experienced excessive bile secretion resulting in complications. In fact, the fetus may be malnourished so as not to grow healthy in the womb. To prevent it, the mother can consume apples while pregnant.

3. Reduce Nausea

Not a few mothers who are pregnant to experience morning sickness and sensitive to the stomach. This is due to increased stomach acid and ultimately provide nausea and vomiting in the stomach. By eating apples like Apple's Anna every day can help reduce stomach acid and avoid nausea.

4. Reduce Constipation

Constipation or difficult bowel movements is a disease that often occurs in pregnant women, especially when the enlarged abdomen to do the squatting position will be difficult. In order to defecate more smoothly, you are advised to consume apples like Apple Anna is so that fiber intake can help the process of defecation.

5. Increase Appetite

When pregnant, sometimes irregular appetite especially when pregnant young that often occurs morning sickness. Circumstances like this make the appetite decreased while pregnant women need enough intake of nutritious foods good for pregnant or fetal growth. To fix this, you can consume apples that can help increase appetite.

6. Reduce Swelling

Not only the abdomen that enlarged, some parts of the body during pregnancy enlarged. During pregnancy, the body will hold more fluids to maintain the pregnancy. But, you also must be vigilant in case of symptoms of preeclampsia. To cope with both, consume apples daily for your health and the fetus.

7. Reduce the Risk of Asthma

By consuming apples every day your body's health and fetus will remain protected. One of the most avoidable diseases is Asthma. The content that is in this fruit is undeniable because very many benefits.

8. Nourish the skin

For the majority of women, skin health has always been the center of attention. Therefore many beauty clinic that member is a woman. But when pregnant you need to pay attention to the effects given when undergoing treatment is it safe for pregnant women and the fetus?

You better find a safer way to keep skin healthy while pregnant without having to care to the clinic, that is by consuming apple fruit then the skin will remain healthy and smooth.

9. Reduce Pain

Increasingly growing stomach sometimes gives a sense of stiffness, fatigue, pain in the joints as the pressure continues to grow. Apple fruit can help relieve pain for pregnant women so the body will feel fit.

10. Preventing Alzheimer's

Apple has many substances that are able to move messages between cells in the body safar that can prevent alzeimer or dementia. When pregnant, apples are good for preventing dementia in children and can maintain brain memory.

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10 Benefits of Anna's Apples for Health and Pregnant Mom
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